Frequently Asked Questions
Do all Stillwater residents currently pay a Fee to the Home Owners Association?
Membership in the association is automatic with the purchase of a home in Stillwater. HOA Fees are reviewed annually and are secured by a legally binding agreement, an Encumbrance (subject to upward adjustment for inflation) registered on the title of each member’s property, the purpose of which is the sustainment and improvement of the Stillwater HOA assets.
Who collects the Stillwater Home Owners Association fee?
The annual association fees are collected by the Stillwater Home Owners Association.
Where is the money collected from the Home Owners Association spent?
HOA membership fees are used by HOA Management to operate the services and amenities of the Stillwater Home Owners Association. These include:
- year round maintenance of the buildings,
- landscape and groundskeeping, snow removal
- fence & gate maintenance
- fob & security system operation and repair
- playground equipment maintenance
- fire protection
- spray park operations, chemistry and maintenance
- ice rink maintenance
- clubhouse building, Home Owners Association office,
- utilities,
- property taxes,
- insurance,
- cleaning, garbage and waste removal
- repairs due to vandalism
- administration
- contractors – required to keep the HOA operating.
What are the benefits to the residents of Stillwater for paying the Home Owners Association fees?
Residents benefit by having certain amenities and assets in their community, which because of their unique nature and high cost could not otherwise be purchased by individual members. The HOA amenities are private and only for the use of the Stillwater homeowners, their families or guests.
How is the Home Owners Association governed?
The Stillwater Home Owners Association is governed by the Bylaws, Rules and Regulations and Policies enacted by management and the Board of Directors. All Members are provided with copies of these documents when they take possession of their home. See :”The Stillwater Brochures – Schedules 1-7″
A Management Agreement between the Developer and the HOA describes the day to day operations and responsibilities of the HOA, Management and Directors.
Individual members of the Home Owners Association may communicate to HOA management via established channels such as a Resident Advisory Council, Committees, at Open House or Meeting Events, or thru regulatory or contractual obligations.
Member concerns and issues may be delegated or forwarded for action, where necessary.
Day to day operations and programming of the HOA is performed by HOA Management.
Member feedback is always welcome at:
What is the difference between a Residents Association and a Community Association?
A Home Owners Association is mandatory organization created by the land developer:
- To manage and maintain the amenities of a development that the City does not have responsibiity to maintain.
- To manage and maintain amenities such as the facilities and landscape features of the Stillwater Home Owners Association.
- Membership is compulsory and the requirement to pay an annual fee to the Home Owners Association is enforced through an encumbrance on title.
A community association is an organization formed by the residents of an area:
- To manage and direct its social and recreational activities.
- To act as an intervener in civic matters (planning and development).
- To plan, develop and maintain community programs, leagues, and realted facilities (if any)
- Membership is voluntary.
- Fees or Membership dues may be charged and collected.